Izdelki za izvoz mleka aavin (29)

DeliBelge UHT Mleko brez maščob v steklenici 1,5%

DeliBelge UHT Mleko brez maščob v steklenici 1,5%

DeliBelge UHT Skimmed Milk in bottle 1.5% from fresh milk. 1lt ,500ml and 200ml. shelf life, 10 up 12 month. for more info please contact sales office.
Aromatizirano UHT mleko - DANA Aromatizirano UHT mleko je sestavljeno iz 100% svežega mleka.

Aromatizirano UHT mleko - DANA Aromatizirano UHT mleko je sestavljeno iz 100% svežega mleka.

DANA Aromatisierte H-Milch besteht zu 100% aus frischer Milch. Dies ist eine haltbare H-Milchprodukt, das bei Raumtemperatur mit einer Haltbarkeitszeit von 11 Monaten geliefert wird. Die Milch ist in 200-ml-Tetra-Paks verpackt und wird zum einfachen Verzehr mit Teleskop-Trinkhalm geliefert. Derzeit bieten wir folgende Geschmacksrichtungen an: Kakao (echtes Kakaopulver) Milch mit Erdbeergeschmack Milch mit Bananengeschmack Milch mit Vanillegeschmack H-Vollmilch Größe: 200ml oder 20 cl Packung      :Tetrapack Trinkhalm          :mit Teleskop-Trinkhalm Haltbarkeit :11 Monate Karton :weiß Anzahl Packungen pro Karton :24x200g pro Karton Mindestbestellmenge :3920 Kartons Ein 20ft FCL : Trockencontainer
Mleko 3,5% 1L (steklenica) - pakirano v steklenici

Mleko 3,5% 1L (steklenica) - pakirano v steklenici

Lapte de vacă integral standardizat, omogenizat si pasteurizat la temperatură înaltă. Conține lactoză.
Polno mleko - sladkano

Polno mleko - sladkano

Mini tube de 60g de gourmandise. Existe aussi en boîte de 12 mini tubes. Et dedans il y a quoi ? Lait entier, sucre, arôme naturel de vanille. Allergènes à la loupe Lait. Bien le conserver c’est pas compliqué Le lait concentré sucré en tube se conserve 1 an avant ouverture et 3 semaines au réfrigérateur après ouverture. Tube et bouchon : à jeter avec les déchets ménagers.
Bite Rastlinsko Mleko 1L - Oreh

Bite Rastlinsko Mleko 1L - Oreh

Bite alternative milk is 100% made of vegetable components: oat, almond, coconut, rice and soybeans. May be used for making coffee, breakfast, smoothies, protein cocktails, and as a quick meal. Fat - 1.5 g:Enegry 40 kcal Carbohydrate 7 g:Protein - 0.7 g,
Stroji za molžo - Definicija in značilnosti strojev za molžo

Stroji za molžo - Definicija in značilnosti strojev za molžo

Süt sağma makineleri meme ucuna takılarak süt sağımını sağlayan makinelerdir. Süt sağma makineleri sayesinde meme ucuna zarar verilmeden süt sağma işlemleri yürütülmektedir. Bu makineler özellikle büyük işletmelerde ve birçok hayvanın bulunduğu alanlarda kullanılmaktadır. Süt sağma makineleri hayvanın memesine yerleştirildikten sonra yarım dakika masaj yaparak sütün gelmesine yardımcı olunması gerekmektedir. Makinenin özellikleri incelendiğinde alüminyum paslanmaz süt tankı görülmektedir. Makinenin içerisinde bağımsız elektrik motoru, pulsatör, pençe, meme ucu başlığı bulunmaktadır. Son olarak makinelerde arzu edilen büyüklüğe ve talebe uygun pompalar da bulunmaktadır.
Posušeno mleko v prahu brez maščob v 25 kg vrečah. - Posušeno polnomastno mleko v prahu in mleko v prahu brez maščob iz Nove Zelandije v 25 kg vrečah.

Posušeno mleko v prahu brez maščob v 25 kg vrečah. - Posušeno polnomastno mleko v prahu in mleko v prahu brez maščob iz Nove Zelandije v 25 kg vrečah.

Vollmilchpulver eignet sich für eine vielzahl von Anwendungen, einschließlich Milchprodukte, Back- und Süßwaren, Trockenmischungen, Nahrungsergänzungsmittel und Snacks. Milky Holland s Full Cream Milk Powder eignet sich als Ersatz für flüssige Milch und Sahne. Es kann zur Herstellung von Trockenmischungen, Süßwaren, Backwaren, sportsportlichen Lebensmitteln, Säuglingsnahrung und Tiernahrung verwendet werden. WHOLE MILK POWDER SPEZIFIKATION Chemische Ergebnisse: Ergebnisse: Feuchtigkeit (%) 3.9 Milchfett (%)%) 26 Asche (%) 7.0 Protein (trockene Basis %) 100 Laktose (%) 55.2 UDWPN (mg/g) 2,4 Inlubility Index (mL) 1,0 Säuregehalt (%) 0.10 Schüttdichte (g/ml) 0,685 Verbrannte Partikel Standard A pH-Wert (50 g/l Wasser bei 20 Grad C) 6,59 Mikroergebnisse: Ergebnisse: Antibiotika Negativ Phosphatase (ug/ml)
Čebula pakirana v torbo nizozemskega kmeta - Znamkasta torba

Čebula pakirana v torbo nizozemskega kmeta - Znamkasta torba

FlevoTrade verpakt uien in diverse branded bags, zoals de Dutch Farmer. Bij voldoende afname kunnen we dit ook voor jouw label realiseren! Neem direct contact met ons op voor meer informatie. Met jaren ervaring in de sector en mooie langdurige samenwerkingen met bedrijven binnen- en buiten de sector, hebben we bewezen dat uien veruit ons hoofdproduct zijn. En daar zijn wij trots op!
Sladoled z Melonom Maraslim Hunkar 500 g.

Sladoled z Melonom Maraslim Hunkar 500 g.

Hunkar Maraslim 500 gr Melon Ice Cream Weight: 500 grams Taste: Distinguishes itself with its refreshing and sweet melon aroma. Provides a delicious experience with melon's fresh and light sour taste alongside its creamy texture. Provides a refreshing choice for summer months with its natural melon extract. Usage Tips: Hunkar Maraslim 500 gr Melon Ice Cream, especially for summer months, is the perfect choice to cool off. It can also be serviced with various desserts and fruits. Depending on preference, its taste can be enriched by adding garnitures such as fresh melon pieces or mint leaves. Storing Tips: The product should be kept in or under -18°C degrees in deep freeze. It is recommended to be consumed in short time after packaging is removed. Packaging: The product is presented in a hygienic and durable plastic packaging. Necessary information such as storing tips, product information, weight and product name are present on the packaging.
SOJIN KRUH - Polizdelek za sojin kruh

SOJIN KRUH - Polizdelek za sojin kruh

Mix con farina e granella di soia tostata per la produzione di pane e prodotti da forno alla soia, fonte di proteine di origine vegetale. Formato:25 kg Dosaggio:100%
Posušena mango

Posušena mango

Nous sommes l'entreprise SOTRAPAC. Nous produisons les fruits séchés sous le label MITZ. Les produits actuellement disponibles : bananes séchées, Ananas séchés, mangues séchées, Cassimanga séché, papayes séchées et bien d'autres encore. Nous sommes situés au Cameroun Yaoundé. Nous répondons au +237655086223. Notre sommes disponibles sur Facebook sous le nom de MITZ. Nous sommes prêts à vous fournir à tous les grossistes et exportateurs, peu importe votre pays et peu importe la quantité. Actuellement nous avons une Capacité de production de 3tonnes/mois. Nous comptons passer à un minimum de 30 tonnes / mois d'ici 5 ans . N'hésitez surtout pas à nous contacter si vous êtes intéressé et pour avoir des images de nos produits. P.s. aucun sucre ajouté, aucun colorant. Durée de conservation 6 mois minimum.
Mešano Krmilo Premix za Govedo

Mešano Krmilo Premix za Govedo

L’objectif d’un minéral est d’associer en quantité et en qualité les éléments indispensables au bon fonctionnement du métabolisme bovin. L’optimisation de la valorisation de la prise de minéraux passent par l’utilisation d’ un minimum de chélates*. Un minéral entièrement composé de Sulfates ne peut pas garantir une valorisation suffisante. ​ Un bon rapport sulfateschélates permet d’obtenir de bons résultats en gardant un coût abordable. * On appelle chélateur une substance formée de molécules qui se lient étroitement à des atomes de métal (des minéraux). Cette technique permet d’optimiser la valorisation du minéral.
Naravne marelične koščice

Naravne marelične koščice

-Kayısı çekirdeğinin içinde A, D, K ve E vitaminlerinin yanı sıra kanserle mücadele önemli bir etki sahibi olduğu söylenen B17, başka bir isimle laetril adı bir madde de yer alıyor. Bu nedenle kayısı çekirdeği birçok konuda vücudun yanında yer alabiliyor. -İçindeki B17 sayesinde kanserli hücrelerin oluşumunu, oluşmuş olanlarınsa genişlemesini engellediği söyleniyor. -Bolca vitamin barındırması sayesinde kayısı çekirdeği bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirici bir etki de yaratabiliyor. -Bu özellikleri dışında yüksek kan basıncını dengelemede yardımcı oluyor. Bu sayede yüksek tansiyonu olanlara destek oluyor. -Kayısı çekirdeği, yağ olarak kullanıldığına selülitlerin görünümünü azaltıp oluşumunu önlüyor. -Bununla da kalmayan kayısı çekirdeği yağı, cildi nemlendiriyor, kırışıklık karşıtı bir etki yaratıyor, cildin yaşlanmasını geciktiriyor. -Sivilcelerin hızla geçmesine destek oluyor. -Kayısı çekirdeği yağı, ağrıları dindirmede de önemli rol oynuyor.
Pakiranje moke

Pakiranje moke

There are numerous types and kinds of flour on the market. Depending on your needs, we will manufacture such packaging that will meet your needs. We recommend semi-transparent packaging which enables to display a product, or fully printed one with a layer protecting against sunlight.
Prehranska Dopolnila

Prehranska Dopolnila

Ofrecemos multitud de opciones en cuanto a formulaciones de productos orientados a la salud, la nutricosmética y los suplementos específicamente dedicados al cuidado de la belleza tanto interior como exterior. Es un mercado en pleno crecimiento que ofrece a nuestros clientes la posibilidad de ampliar sus áreas de negocio y complementar sus líneas de tratamiento cosmético. Contamos con unas instalaciones de dedicación exclusiva a la fabricación y envasado de productos nutricosméticos y complementos nutricionales. Todas las instalaciones han sido diseñadas según la exigencia de la normativa legal europea y siguiendo criterios amparados por las normas ISO e IFS. Nuestro parque de maquinaria permite envasar este tipo de productos en varios formatos: Frascos con cierre roscado, presión Cierre pilfer y grafado Botellas Viales Tarros Tubos de plástico, laminados y de aluminio Envasados especiales al vacío Envasados en atmósfera controlada Sachets monodosis Tapones extemporáneos


La variedad de banana o plátano Cavendish se refiere a varios cultivares de banana que pertenecen al grupo de cultivares de banana AAA. Es una de las variedades de banana más famosa y cultivada. De hecho, se estima que el 99% de las exportaciones de banana son de tipo Cavendish Los calibres y maduración del producto en fresco se definen en el momento de la negociación. Desde la planta empacadora, se transporta en vehículos refrigerados hasta el puerto de Santa Marta. Colombia. DOCUMENTACION ADJUNTA CON LA CARGA: •Factura de venta. •Packing List con los resultados de pesos y calibres. •Trazabilidad de los productos •Certificado planta empacadora. •Certificado de origen y fitosanitario si lo requiere el país de destino DISPONIBILIDAD: Inmediatamente una vez sea aceptada la forma de pago y recibido el depósito a nuestra compañía, se entregara el producto en 10 hábiles.
Moka iz graha 400g

Moka iz graha 400g

Pea flour is often used in baking bread and tortillas, making pasta, as well as some pastries such as donuts and cookies. It is enough to add only 1020% of pea flour to wheat flour, and these dishes will acquire a unique pea aroma and become a little healthier. Peas are rich in vitamins C, B and PP, as well as minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and zinc. Milling on stone millstones allows you to preserve the balanced natural composition of the grain, which makes it possible to achieve a decrease in the glycemic index. Weight:400 g
Maščoba za Krmila 2.-3. KAT - Maščoba za Krmila, KAT Živalska Maščoba.

Maščoba za Krmila 2.-3. KAT - Maščoba za Krmila, KAT Živalska Maščoba.

Takarmány zsír takarmányzsír animal fat 2.-3. KAT
Praženi in Soljeni Oluščeni Mandlji - SICILIJA - 5 kg - Ekološki*

Praženi in Soljeni Oluščeni Mandlji - SICILIJA - 5 kg - Ekološki*

Autres conditionnements VRAC et SACHETS : 125g, 250g, 500g, 1 kg, 5 kg - L’amande est un fruit à coque, recouvert d’une enveloppe verte et veloutée au toucher (le brou), qui sèche et éclate à maturité, laissant apparaître une noix. Quand les amandes sont décortiquées et séchées, leur peau est brune. VIJAYA vous propose ses amandes décortiquées en version toastée maison.  Référence:20172
Moka iz čičerike 1000g

Moka iz čičerike 1000g

Kichererbsen sind Kichererbsen oder Haarerbsen, es stammt aus einer Gruppe von Hülsenfrüchten. Kichererbsen sind eine hervorragende Proteinquelle und notwendige Aminosäuren, daher kann sie Fleisch ersetzen. Es ist eine Quelle komplexer Kohlenhydrate, Faser. Kichererbsen verleihen dem Körper verschiedene Vitamine und Mineralien, einschließlich signifikanter Mengen an Phosphor, Vitamin B9, Eisen, Zink, Magnesium und Kalium. Es enthält auch ungesättigte Fettsäuren. Der Cutter hat kalorienarm und einen niedrigen glykämischen Index, und die Faser, die er enthält, hilft, den Grad der Triglyceride und "schlechtes" Cholesterinspiegel zu verringern. Die Kichererbsen wird von Veganern und Allergie -Leiden besonders geschätzt. Kichererbsenmehlformen aus den Hülsenfrüchten und somit ist dieses Mehl durch einen einzigartigen Proteingehalt gekennzeichnet, während der Geschmack dem Geschmack von Umami ähnelt. Der glykämische Index dieses Mehls beträgt fast halb so viel wie Weizenmopfen und nur 35.
Mleko v prahu z maščobami - Instant mleko v prahu z maščobami 28%

Mleko v prahu z maščobami - Instant mleko v prahu z maščobami 28%

Instant Fat Filled milk powder 28% Fat in 25kg bag. Loading - 1100 bag This product is perfect for drinking, Making Yogurt and industrial use
DANA SLADKANO KONDENZIRANO POLNOMASNO MLEKO - Polnomastno mleko, živalska maščoba, 397g, 1kg, veleprodajna embalaža

DANA SLADKANO KONDENZIRANO POLNOMASNO MLEKO - Polnomastno mleko, živalska maščoba, 397g, 1kg, veleprodajna embalaža

DANA SWEETENED CONDENSED FULL CREAM MILK IS SWEET AND DELICIOUSLY CREAMY TASTING, DANA’s Sweetened Condensed Milk is produced using fresh cow milk as always. In our full cream animal fat version, 100% of the natural cow milk fat content remains with the milk that is used to produce the product. We use a special heating process to remove over half of the water content of the milk. We then mix in the right amount of sugar to create a rich and smooth mixture you know as sweetened condensed milk. Preserved and sealed, our sweetened condensed milk has a long-lasting shelf life and will bring a valuable additional tool for your homemade recipe. You can use our Full Cream Sweetened Condensed Milk for a waste variety of recipes. DANA Sweetened Condensed Milk is also a great additive for tea and coffee. Also, mixed with cold water, the product will create a refreshing beverage to quench your thirst. if you're looking to produce your own brand we are here to produce private label. MADE FROM FRESH COW'S MILK - Fat content min. 8% - Fat-free dry milk min. 20% Full Cream Milk:EASY OPEN LID - don't need any tools on your adventure to open this delicious creamy condensed milk


DANA MILK POWDER IN TINS, SACHETS, AND POUCHES Our DANA TINS comes in tins of 400gr, 900gr, as well as 2500gr sizes. Our DANA SACHETS comes in 15gr and 20gr packages Our DANA POUCHES OF 400, 900, 1.8, & 2250 GRAMS This is a great family size product that brings our finest quality milk powder to your market. DANA MILK POWDER IN TYPES FULL CREAM MILK POWDER Our FCMP and IFCMP is made from pure, fresh cow’s milk. The milk powder is produced through a High Temperature Spray Dry process. The powder, when mixed again with water, carries the original, pure-homogenous, and full taste of fresh milk. FAT FILLED MILK POWDER As a healthy and economical replacement for full cream milk, our FFMP and IFFMP are produced by mixing vegetable fat with our top quality skimmed milk powder. The product is mainly used in various confectioneries, bakery, and other industries as well as being used as a healthy drink-mix milk substitute.
Hunkar Maraslım Navadna Sladoled 500 g.

Hunkar Maraslım Navadna Sladoled 500 g.

Hunkar Maraslim 500 gr Plain Ice Cream Contents: The product is produced by using fresh cow milk and natural sugar. Does not include additives. Weight: 500 grams Taste: Distinguished by its plain milk aroma. Has an intense and creamy texture. Presents a simple and natural taste. Usage Tips: Hunkar Maraslim 500 gr plain Ice Cream can be served alongside various desserts and fruits. It can also be enjoyed by itself. Depending on preference, its taste can be enriched. Optionally, its flavor can be enriched by adding sauce or various garnishes. Storing Tips: The product should be kept in or under -18°C degrees in deep freeze. It is recommended to be consumed in short time after packaging is removed. Packaging: The product is presented in a hygienic and durable plastic packaging. Necessary information such as storing tips, product information, weight and product name are present on the packaging. Production Process:
Celo UHT mleko 3,5% maščobe s vijčnim pokrovčkom

Celo UHT mleko 3,5% maščobe s vijčnim pokrovčkom

Leche entera UHT DANA 3,5% de grasa de leche de vaca fresca y 12 meses de vida ú - La leche UHT en tetra pak es nuestro producto más vendido en muchos mercados locales en todo el mundo. Nuestros envases de 1 LITRO y 500ML de leche UHT están disponibles en variedades como la leche entera, leche semidescremada o leche descremada. A sus consumidores les van encantar nuestros envases en Tetra packs por su facilidad de uso, almacenamiento fácil y fácil transporte. La leche Dana UHT es una leche de larga vida que viene con 12 meses de vida útil. El envase en tetra pak se puede almacenar a temperatura ambiente mientras se queda cerrado desde su fabricación. Sólo después de la apertura, el envasado debe ser almacenado refrigerado y consumirse dentro de unos días. Producimos nuestra leche UHT a partir la leche de vaca fresca. La leche es procesada y envasada según la norma europea. La leche UHT DANA ha tenido una gran receptividad de los consumidores en muchos países de África, los países de Oriente Medio y del Extremo Oriente.
EXTRA MALT - Polizdelek z ekstraktom ječmenovega sladu

EXTRA MALT - Polizdelek z ekstraktom ječmenovega sladu

Semilavorato con estratto di malto d’orzo su base di farina di malto di frumento. Formato:15 kg Dosaggio:0,4 - 0,8%
Rženo moko 400g

Rženo moko 400g

Dishes made from rye flour are lower in calories than those made from wheat. Even people following various weight loss diets can use rye flour for baking. Not only traditional black bread can be baked from rye flour. This flour also serves as a base for many delicious and healthy baked goods, such as flat cakes, muffins, gingerbread, biscuits and cookies. Rye flour contains vitamins of group B, PP, as well as vitamin E a source of youth and beauty. Milling with stones allows us to preserve the natural balanced composition of grains, which makes it possible to lower a glycemic index an important indicator for those who care about their health. Weight:400 g
Ovsena Moka 350g

Ovsena Moka 350g

Oat flour is a good choice for baking. The most popular dishes are oatmeal cookies and pancakes. Nutritionists believe that oats are healthier than other grains. When oat flour is added to bakery products, they become more fluffy and crumbly, so this flour can serve as a substitute for wheat flour. Milling with stones allows us to preserve the natural balanced composition of grains, which makes it possible to lower a glycemic index an important indicator for those who care about their health. Weight:350 g
Moka iz lanenih semen 350g

Moka iz lanenih semen 350g

Flaxseed flour is mainly used in baking (for instance, cakes, cookies, cakes, pancakes, muffins, cupcakes, muffins, etc.), and also for making some sauces. Flaxseed flour is a valuable dietary product and has many medicinal properties. It contains a lot of vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B9, etc.) and microelements (calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, etc.). Milling on stone millstones allows you to preserve the balanced natural composition of the grain, which makes it possible to achieve a decrease in the glycemic index. Weight:350 g